CRC Industries

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Contact Details

National Key Account Manager
Shane McMullen
0497 409 823
[email protected]

WA – Paula Holt 0459 911 640
[email protected]

NSW – Andrew Gatt 0459 829 990
[email protected]

Qld – Brett Rokesky 0475 287 261
[email protected]

Vic/Tas/SA – Ian Bedford 0431 087 523
[email protected]


CRC is recognised as a supplier of Professional Quality aerosol and bulk Lubricants, Anti Corrosion and Maintenance products.

Additional Information

Supplies: Nationwide
Minimum Order Value Pack Quantities
– Surcharge if below MOV Unable to break packs
FIS Value $400+gst
– Surcharge if below FIS Freight charges per state
Settlement Discount No
Rebates Paid Yes
LTI Program No
Advertising Funds Available No
WA only or National supplier National